Inna - More Than Friends - Video si versuri
More Than Friens (Mai mult decat prieteni), videoclipul noului single al lui Inna, a fost de curand lansat de Roton Music. Acest video, infatisandu-ne o Inna plina de viata, dansand intr-o tinuta provocatoare pe o plaja (intr-o melodie cu versuri la fel de provocatoare), a fost regizat de Edward Aninaru si filmat in Los Angeles. Cantecul "More Than Friens" va fi putea ascultat in doua variante, una dintre ele beneficiind de participarea cunoscutului Daddy Yankee.
Iata si versurile cantecului din videoclip, atat in engleza, cat si in traducerea in limba romana...
Inna - More Than Friends
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends
Ooh tonight!
tonight we should be more than friends
We're in the corner of a crowded room
I want your lips your body, boy, handsome
and if you like what we're doing
why don't we give in for the night?
This might just be the night of You and I,
If there's no distance in our heart then might,
and if you like
What we're doing, why don't we give in for the night?
Ooh, tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we should be more than friends.
From the first time that I saw the look in your eyes
I've been thinking about you for all of this time
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends.
Ain't looking for someone to call on my own
But with you boy we're in danger some, and if you like
what were doin' why don't we give in for the night?
So here we are, I just dream of you
And all the things that I'm about to do to you,
and if you like
what we're doing why don't we give in for the night?
Ooh, tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we should be more than friends.
From the first time that I saw the look in your eyes
I've been thinking about you for all of this time.
Ooh tonight! Tonight we could be more that friends.
Tonight we could be more than friends!
Inna - Mai mult decat prieteni
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta ar trebui sa fim mai mult decat prieteni.
Suntem in coltul unei camere aglomerate
Si iti doresc buzele, trupul, baiete frumos,
si daca iti place ce facem
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Aceasta poate fi numai noaptea Ta si a Mea,
Daca nu mai exista nici o distanta intre inimile noastre atunci se poate,
si daca iti place
ce facem,
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta ar trebui sa fim mai mult decat prieteni.
Din prima clipa cand am zarit privirea din ochii tai
M-am gandit la tine mereu
Ah, noaptea asta!
Nu iti doresti pe altcineva in locul meu
Dar cu tine baiete suntem intr-un fel de pericol, si daca iti place
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Iata-ne asadar, eu doar visez la tine
Si la toate lucrurile pe care sunt pe cale sa le fac cu tine,
si daca iti place
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni
Din prima clipa cand am zarit privirea din ochii tai
M-am gandit la tine mereu
Ah, noaptea asta! In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni!
Copyright © 2013
Articole din acelasi domeniu in Blogul Dianei:
Oglinzile domnului Timberlake
Iata si versurile cantecului din videoclip, atat in engleza, cat si in traducerea in limba romana...
Inna - More Than Friends
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends
Ooh tonight!
tonight we should be more than friends
We're in the corner of a crowded room
I want your lips your body, boy, handsome
and if you like what we're doing
why don't we give in for the night?
This might just be the night of You and I,
If there's no distance in our heart then might,
and if you like
What we're doing, why don't we give in for the night?
Ooh, tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we should be more than friends.
From the first time that I saw the look in your eyes
I've been thinking about you for all of this time
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends.
Ain't looking for someone to call on my own
But with you boy we're in danger some, and if you like
what were doin' why don't we give in for the night?
So here we are, I just dream of you
And all the things that I'm about to do to you,
and if you like
what we're doing why don't we give in for the night?
Ooh, tonight!
Tonight we could be more than friends
Ooh tonight!
Tonight we should be more than friends.
From the first time that I saw the look in your eyes
I've been thinking about you for all of this time.
Ooh tonight! Tonight we could be more that friends.
Tonight we could be more than friends!
Inna - Mai mult decat prieteni
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta ar trebui sa fim mai mult decat prieteni.
Suntem in coltul unei camere aglomerate
Si iti doresc buzele, trupul, baiete frumos,
si daca iti place ce facem
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Aceasta poate fi numai noaptea Ta si a Mea,
Daca nu mai exista nici o distanta intre inimile noastre atunci se poate,
si daca iti place
ce facem,
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta ar trebui sa fim mai mult decat prieteni.
Din prima clipa cand am zarit privirea din ochii tai
M-am gandit la tine mereu
Ah, noaptea asta!
Nu iti doresti pe altcineva in locul meu
Dar cu tine baiete suntem intr-un fel de pericol, si daca iti place
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Iata-ne asadar, eu doar visez la tine
Si la toate lucrurile pe care sunt pe cale sa le fac cu tine,
si daca iti place
de ce nu ne predam (unul altuia) in aceasta noapte?
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
Ah, noaptea asta!
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni
Din prima clipa cand am zarit privirea din ochii tai
M-am gandit la tine mereu
Ah, noaptea asta! In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni,
In noaptea asta putem fi mai mult decat prieteni!
Copyright © 2013
Articole din acelasi domeniu in Blogul Dianei:
Oglinzile domnului Timberlake
Inna - More Than Friends - Video si versuri
Reviewed by Diana Popescu
ianuarie 19, 2013

super versuri
RăspundețiȘtergereDragut clipul , dar slabut la ce asteptari erau .
RăspundețiȘtergereeste foare super melodia, exprima ceea ce simpt eu acum... :-*