TKO|Ce am fost si ce-am ajuns?- via Justin Timberlake
Tehnical Knock Out sau TKO este ultimul videoclip al domnului Timberlake, care te va starni sa practici sporturi extreme sau in cel mai rau caz iti va arata cum sa pedepsesti un barbat indiferent , daca ai "creier de gaina".
M-am intrebat si eu, ca si tine, ce este TKO| Tehnical Knock Out si am aflat ca este un termen din box, sportul acela dur..
Pe vremuri, atunci cand unul din boxeri era in pericol, antrenorul principal al acestuia arunca prosopul si meciul inceta.
Acum prosoapele au disparut, insa, arbitrii de pe margine pot aprecia daca jocul poate continua atunci cand capacitatile fizice ale unuia dintre sportivi au de suferit si tot domniile lor sunt in masura sa declare rezultatul ca fiind Tehnical Knock Out.
In viata nu prea avem arbitrii care sa ne apere.. Te intrebi: "ce am fost si ce-am ajuns"?
Pentru ca, uneori, relatiile se distrug.. de prea mult bine.
Esti singurul care trage ca boul in jug, ca sa ai o viata mai buna, in timp ce iubirea vietii tale viseaza cai verzi pe pereti sau nu se multumeste cu atat, ci o pune de un amor cu un ciudat.
Iar tu care te-ai zbatut atata, desi ranit si la propriu si la figurat, o mai iubesti .
Ii acorzi ultima sansa si apoi..
Te trezesti legat cu franghii si lanturi (metaforice) si tarat.. catre sfarsitul inevitabil.
Daca te mai trezesti..!
Acesta este scenariul videoclipului TKO, o poveste trista, in care o vei revedea pe frumoasa Riley Keough, nepoata marelui Elvis partenera lui Justin Timberlake.
Vizionare si auditie placuta!
Iata si versurile, in engleza:
In all, enthrilling new, living sound
Kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
Lights out, TKO
Baby, everyday in training to get the gold
That's why your body's crazy
But you can't run from yourself, that's where it's difficult,
Girl I can see in your eyes that there's something inside that made you evil
Where did you go, cause it just ain't fair
Over here thinking 'bout the shit you say
Don't know why it gets to me
The cut's right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie
Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy
Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you
Can't fight no more, you knock me out
What am I supposed to do?
I don't understand it
Tell me how could you be so low
Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe
This ain't the girl I used to know
No, not anymore, TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
It's just a TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Out for the count
Girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Now, I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Baby, now I don't really know what we're fighting for
This rematch sex is amazing
But nobody wins if somebody's heart is swole
Cause when I see you move like you got something inside that made you lethal
Where did you go, it just ain't fair
Over here thinking bout the shit you do
Don't know what I got to lose
The cut's right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie
Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy
Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you
Can't fight no more, you knock me out
What am I supposed to do?
I don't understand it
Tell me how could you be so low, yeah
Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe
This ain't the girl I used to know
No, not anymore, TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
It's just a TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Out for the count
Girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Now, I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
See what you do?
See what you do, girl?
You, you, you knock me right out
See what you do?
See what you do?
Girl, girl, girl,
You knock me right out
Hey girl
See what you do
See what you do
Girl, girl, girl, girl,
Girl, girl, you knock me right out (x2)
The cut's right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie
Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy
Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you
Can't fight no more, you knock me out
What am I supposed to do?
I dont understand it
Tell me how could you be so low
Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe
This ain't the girl I used to know
No, not anymore, TKO
I don't understand it
Tell me how could you be so low, yeah
You've been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe, dammit babe, dammit babe,
dammit babe, dammit babe, Dammit,
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dammit babe
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-
So dammit babe,
Dammit babe, dammit babe, dammit babe,
dammit babe, dammit babe,
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dammit babe
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-
So dammit babe,
Dammit babe, dammit babe, dammit babe,
dammit babe, dammit babe,
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dammit babe
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
It's just a TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Cum sa-ti iei noaptea trecuta inapoi- via Justin Timberlake
Cum sa te desparti elegant de cineva?
M-am intrebat si eu, ca si tine, ce este TKO| Tehnical Knock Out si am aflat ca este un termen din box, sportul acela dur..
Pe vremuri, atunci cand unul din boxeri era in pericol, antrenorul principal al acestuia arunca prosopul si meciul inceta.
Acum prosoapele au disparut, insa, arbitrii de pe margine pot aprecia daca jocul poate continua atunci cand capacitatile fizice ale unuia dintre sportivi au de suferit si tot domniile lor sunt in masura sa declare rezultatul ca fiind Tehnical Knock Out.
In viata nu prea avem arbitrii care sa ne apere.. Te intrebi: "ce am fost si ce-am ajuns"?
Pentru ca, uneori, relatiile se distrug.. de prea mult bine.
Esti singurul care trage ca boul in jug, ca sa ai o viata mai buna, in timp ce iubirea vietii tale viseaza cai verzi pe pereti sau nu se multumeste cu atat, ci o pune de un amor cu un ciudat.
Iar tu care te-ai zbatut atata, desi ranit si la propriu si la figurat, o mai iubesti .
Ii acorzi ultima sansa si apoi..
Te trezesti legat cu franghii si lanturi (metaforice) si tarat.. catre sfarsitul inevitabil.
Daca te mai trezesti..!
Acesta este scenariul videoclipului TKO, o poveste trista, in care o vei revedea pe frumoasa Riley Keough, nepoata marelui Elvis partenera lui Justin Timberlake.
Vizionare si auditie placuta!
In all, enthrilling new, living sound
Kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
Lights out, TKO
Baby, everyday in training to get the gold
That's why your body's crazy
But you can't run from yourself, that's where it's difficult,
Girl I can see in your eyes that there's something inside that made you evil
Where did you go, cause it just ain't fair
Over here thinking 'bout the shit you say
Don't know why it gets to me
The cut's right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie
Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy
Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you
Can't fight no more, you knock me out
What am I supposed to do?
I don't understand it
Tell me how could you be so low
Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe
This ain't the girl I used to know
No, not anymore, TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
It's just a TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Out for the count
Girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Now, I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Baby, now I don't really know what we're fighting for
This rematch sex is amazing
But nobody wins if somebody's heart is swole
Cause when I see you move like you got something inside that made you lethal
Where did you go, it just ain't fair
Over here thinking bout the shit you do
Don't know what I got to lose
The cut's right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie
Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy
Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you
Can't fight no more, you knock me out
What am I supposed to do?
I don't understand it
Tell me how could you be so low, yeah
Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe
This ain't the girl I used to know
No, not anymore, TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
It's just a TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Out for the count
Girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Now, I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
See what you do?
See what you do, girl?
You, you, you knock me right out
See what you do?
See what you do?
Girl, girl, girl,
You knock me right out
Hey girl
See what you do
See what you do
Girl, girl, girl, girl,
Girl, girl, you knock me right out (x2)
The cut's right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie
Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy
Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you
Can't fight no more, you knock me out
What am I supposed to do?
I dont understand it
Tell me how could you be so low
Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe
This ain't the girl I used to know
No, not anymore, TKO
I don't understand it
Tell me how could you be so low, yeah
You've been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows
Trying to go below the belt, through my chest, perfect hit to the dome,
Dammit babe, dammit babe, dammit babe,
dammit babe, dammit babe, Dammit,
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dammit babe
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-
So dammit babe,
Dammit babe, dammit babe, dammit babe,
dammit babe, dammit babe,
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dammit babe
She kill me with that coo-coochie-coochie-coo
She kill me with that coo-
So dammit babe,
Dammit babe, dammit babe, dammit babe,
dammit babe, dammit babe,
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dammit babe
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
It's just a TKO
I'm out for the count
Yeah, girl, you knock me out
With a TKO
Cum sa-ti iei noaptea trecuta inapoi- via Justin Timberlake
Cum sa te desparti elegant de cineva?
TKO|Ce am fost si ce-am ajuns?- via Justin Timberlake
Reviewed by Diana Popescu
octombrie 29, 2013

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